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Ace that Job Interview

A compilation of advice from what to wear to how to how engage.
15 Nov 2018

Ace that Job Interview

Ace that Job Interview BlogOver the past couple of years, I’ve had the chance to talk with many experts who focus on various aspects of job interviewing and have compiled some great tips that I hope you find helpful as you prepare for your next big interview. Bookmark this page to review everything from how to dress to how to expertly engage your interviewer with confident body language and intriguing conversation.

Let’s take a look at some of the most helpful advice that you can use to make a stellar impression on your interviewer and stand out from other candidates.

Let’s fine-tune your interview body language!

We tend to show a lot of confident, likable, and sincere body language when we are in conversational mode. Click here to download this free guide for finding your own unique speaking style, perfect for interviews and presentations. 

Interviewers are used to following the standard Question-Answer format with most interviewees. You can be far more engaging and memorable by turning it into a conversation. But how can you do that?

Let’s turn your interview into a conversation that gets you the job!

Listen to the 15-minute Happy Humans Podcast episode, How to Crush a Job Interview, where I talk with job interview coach and master negotiator Ramon Santillan from PersuasiveInterview.com

A key part of turning your interview into a conversation and standing out from other candidates is your ability to tell short, impactful stories. They should highlight how you’ve solved problems, handled difficulties, led a team to success, saved a client, or in some other way brought a lot of value to your previous employers, clients, or customers.

Let’s work on telling captivating stories that demonstrate your high value!

And finally, dressing for success on your job interview means sending the right signals by matching company culture AND adding a little something that makes you stand out.

Let’s make a good impression by dressing for success!

The most fun I’ve had in a Facebook Live interview was with Tim Thorn, celebrity stylist and image consultant, on his show Paisley 360 Style Tips. Here we talk about standing out in a job interview.

Happy interviewing!


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The Happy Humans podcast explores the fascinating and often misunderstood world human behavior, body language, and culture. Ratchet up your human skills with fun tips and tricks with communications coach, Ryan Foley.

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